Friday, February 15, 2013

My never-ending Journey....

The moments when I leave my office to walk on foot, happen to be the best moments of my day. My hands dug deep in my jacket and my purse bouncing around my shoulder hardly deviate the concentration of my eyes which continuously count my own steps. I guess, I love to walk too slowly. May be, somewhere in my mind, it tickles that I have to get overbusy once again, as soon as I reach home. 

Besides, I love to walk slowly. Pondering over each step and measuring every inch my foot tends to cover. I feel that it gives me immense pleasure to cover the distance on foot. Walking carelessly, is only one thing in which I can indulge myself in carelessness only if the roads are empty. 

Walking or better wandering aimlessly is my dream. Few moments free of care, when I would be just me. I would be calm and peaceful and roam around.... without any intention.... without any expectation.... I would just roam and roam.... without caring for anybody.... or even myself.... Roaming aimlessly is something I wish to do.... or better say yearn to do...

I feel I never myself in a hurry of reaching somewhere whenever I think of roaming. I guess, my desire of destination died long ago.... Now, I have started enjoying the never-ending ways.... I have fallen in love with the ways which keep me trapped in a labyrinth always.... 

I can feel.... My desire for a destination has died already, and I love the ways even more when I know that I have to walk all alone here....